Since our early days, we have prided ourselves in a distinct selection of products - from quality produce, featured independent food brands, natural health and wellness products, and a fun selection of gifts.

If you have any questions about our products and availabilities, don’t hesitate to give us a call!



We offer a wide array of unique and specialty grocery items.
Our diverse range of produce is always organic or biodynamic, and we feature the best independent food brands and brand new innovations in the vegan world.


Our bakery & deli items are made fresh in-house daily. Try one of our sandwiches or wraps for a quick lunch on-the-go, or if you’re looking for a sweet treat, the glass showcase in front of the café is always stocked with our house-baked pastries, pies, muffins and gluten free cupcakes!


Our Wellness aisle has everything you need, from vitamins and supplements to essential oils and personal care items. We especially love our selection of loose leaf teas, including some of our own blends made specially by our in-house Herbalist. Whatever your needs, our on-staff experts can help you find the right product for you.


Our Gifts will surely inspire and entertain you. With hand-picked items made locally as well as from cultural communities around the globe, we have something for everyone, from kids, to teens, and to adults. Be sure to check out all corners of the store to see our whole selection!